Sunday, April 13, 2008

Providence Bible Church..the beginning

As a family, we were burdened for a reformed work in our area. My husband Jim and I had grown increasingly disheartened by the lack of spiritual truths from the pulpit in our local church body. After an extremely trying time within our church, we decided as a family to resign our local church membership and seek fellowship with a church that desired to worship as we did. By that, I mean that the Word of God would be preached and Jesus Christ would be exalted. That, my friend, was much easier said than done.

After visiting at least 10 different churches, our disillusionment was great. Jim writes a weekly column for a local paper regarding spiritual themes(Mountain Monergism), and connects with others nationwide, often sharing what has been transpiring in our lives. Basically it came down to the great need to plant a reformed baptist work in our community. This had been a long-time prayer of ours, and God was starting to answer that prayer in the most unusual workings.

• On February 24, 2008, our family started meeting in our home for Sunday morning worship

• On Palm Sunday, we visited a reformed church in Bluefield, WV. We were touched by their kindness and willingness to be of help with our fledgling church. After many meetings with others with the same heart's desire to see a reformed work in the Charleston, WV area, Providence Bible Church was established for the glory of the Lord.

• Starting in mid-May, Providence Bible Church will be meeting at The Chilton House in Saint Albans, WV for Sunday morning services. We have been offered this facility by the Christian couple that currently owns the historic restaurant. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow....

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