Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Systematic Theology Bible Study

We are currently studying Systematic Theology, heading toward a study of the 1689 London Confession. This study has challenged me to really read the confession to see if in fact I agree with it. I'll see :)

I am struggling with the whole Sunday, day of rest thing. Here is an excerpt from the New Hampshire Confession of Faith, which is basically a condensed version of the 1689 London Confession of Faith...

Of the Christian Sabbath We believe that the first day of the week is the Lord's Day, or Christian Sabbath (78); and is to be kept sacred to religious purposes (79), by abstaining from all secular labor and sinful recreations (80); by the devout observance of all the means of grace, both private (81) and public (82); and by preparation for that rest that remaineth for the people of God (83).

I really, really struggle with this...

Sunday Service February 1st

We were warm for church and our bible study today, praise God! Jim brought a really good message to us. We had 5 in our morning service and 7 for our afternoon bible study. The sun was shining and we had a good time in the Lord.

Sunday Service January 25th COLD! COLD! COLD!

Today was the first day that we had 2 services. Our first service was at 11am. The heat had gone off and when Jim arrived at the church it was only 35 degrees in the building. He had went a little early to set up tables for our lunch and bible study. Good thing that the Lord directed him to arrive early. By the time the rest of us arrived, it was almost 60 degrees. Jim, myself, Reagan, Margie and Forest made up our small congregation. Margie and I brought lunch for everyone, and we ate and fellowshipped until it was time for our 2pm bible study. Amy and Donnie were able to join us for the study. By the time we left, the temperature was nearly 70 degrees...we are thankful for the Lord's abundant provision!

Sunday Service January 18th

We had a good time in the Lord today, the service was very good. We had 7 people in attendance. We are in the 3rd chapter of John and the message was very clear and convicting.

January 11, 2009 Service

We had a good service today with 5 in attendance. Numbers are small but we are praying that more from the community will start coming. It's getting closer and closer to the the date that we will be having two services on Sunday, probably on January 25th. For our second service we will be having a Bible study.