Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday Service October 19th

We had 15 in attendance this week!! We are making progress on the church building. Jim and Forest have been working so hard building our "Reformation Hall" as Jim refers to it. We will use it as storage and eventually as a place to have meals on Sundays. We are planning a Special Sunday Service sometime in November and inviting the community to come to our service and share a meal with us afterwards. Each family will bring a crockpot of soup, sandwiches and cookies. We should be able to feed a lot of people if they do come out!! Covenant Presby is sending a group to help pass out flyers for our upcoming service.

On Saturday, Jim and Matt, our son-in-law installed the natural gas to heat our church. What a blessing to have free gas!!! We should be toasty on those winter days that are fast approaching!

Please pray with us for the upcoming Special Sunday, that God will do a work in the community. We have a lot of work that needs to be done to get the building ready, carpet (that we already have) needs to be put down as soon as all the pews are moved to the Reformation Hall.

We will be out of town for next week's service, but Kevin, who will be filling the pulpit for Jim will update us when we return.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We had 18 in attendance at our church service on Sunday, God is blessing our small congregation!! We had 13 adults and 5 children today.

We are planning on having a Special Sunday service in November with a lunch/dinner after our worship time. I'll keep updating the blog with additional information as it becomes available!!

October 25th, Jim, Reagan and I will not be at Providence Bible Church, as we will be going to North Carolina for Jim's niece's wedding. On that Sunday we will be attending church in Mebane, NC. It's a large (200) Reformed church, and it will be nice to fellowship with others of like mind. All 3 of our daughters and grandaughter will be attending church with us!! Please pray for our trip, that it will be fruitful and full of fun!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

October 5, 2008 Sunday Service

Praise God we had 16 at our 2pm service on Sunday. We had one visitor. God is truly blessing this fledgling ministry!!

Our service started with two glorious hymns of the faith:
*All Hail The Power
*The Light of the World

Scripture reading was Psalm 36:1-12. This was read by Kevin. After the reading, we had another congregational hymn:
*It Is Well With My Soul

Prayer for the service was led by Brett. Jim preached/taught from the 1st chapter of John. The message was entitled, "The Soverign Hand of God in the Salvation of Sinners." Very thought provoking, as well as challenging.

Margie and Forest were able to purchase a water fountain that not only dispenses cold water, but also provides hot water. This dandy little item was found at a local rummage sale. I'm so thankful that God cares about the little things in our lives as well as the big ones! He is so faithful to us, how can we not want to be His servant!!!