Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday Service September 28th
Those in attendance were:
Jim and Cindy Hale
Reagan Hale
Forest and Margie Holbrook
Donnie and Amy Chapman
Kevin and Erika Chapman
Zoey and Zyler Chapman
Brett and Rhonda Short*
Luke, Andrew and Allison Short*
Rhonda's Dad, Dick*
*first time visitors
Jim continues to teach/preach from the book of John.
Our hymns of worship were:
*I Know Whom I have Believed
*Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
*Under His Wings
We are kind of limited with our music, and if I don't know the song, we could be in trouble, and this week I didn't know "Under His Wings." Reagan plays the piano for our congregation, and we will sorely miss her after December, when she'll be going back to university. Please pray for a pianist and a song leader for our church..God will provide!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New Sign for Providence Bible Church
Sunday Service Sept 21, 2008
*When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
*The Church's One Foundation
*This is My Father's World
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Little Side Post
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Update on our 1st Service
* A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
* Holy, Holy, Holy
* Fairest Lord Jesus
Today!! Our first service at Providence Bible Church in Hamlin, WV
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Carroll Memorial Church, Home of Providence Bible Church
This is the church that God has entrusted to us, to use for His Glory. It's located on the main drag just outside of the city of Hamlin. It's about 45 minutes from our house, and Jim has really been busy working on it. His friends, Forrest and Margaret, have been faithfully helping as much as they can. Windows have been replaced, and the roof has been repaired. We have been given carpet and chairs by Jim's employer. Speaking of which, Jim's position with the WV Standard Newspapers is nearing the end. The owner is closing many of the papers and selling the rest. So please be in prayer for a new job opportunity for him.
We are praying for 10 people to be in attendance at our first church service on Sunday. If you would like to join us, we are here. After you leave the city of Hamlin, you'll pass the new Lincoln County High on the left, and we'll be on the right, almost directly across the street from Save-a-Lot grocery store.