Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday Service September 28th

We had eighteen, yes that's 18 in attendance this week. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! We had 5 children and one new family in attendance. God is so gracious to allow us to minister to these families.

Those in attendance were:
Jim and Cindy Hale
Reagan Hale
Forest and Margie Holbrook
Donnie and Amy Chapman
Kevin and Erika Chapman
Zoey and Zyler Chapman
Brett and Rhonda Short*
Luke, Andrew and Allison Short*
Rhonda's Dad, Dick*
*first time visitors

Jim continues to teach/preach from the book of John.

Our hymns of worship were:
*I Know Whom I have Believed
*Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
*Under His Wings

We are kind of limited with our music, and if I don't know the song, we could be in trouble, and this week I didn't know "Under His Wings." Reagan plays the piano for our congregation, and we will sorely miss her after December, when she'll be going back to university. Please pray for a pianist and a song leader for our church..God will provide!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Sign for Providence Bible Church

We have ordered our sign for the church and hopefully it will be ready in about a week. Jim designed it, and Screen Graphics in Nitro, WV will be making it.

Sunday Service Sept 21, 2008

We had 8 believers that met together this week. God is so good to us. We still have so much work to do on the building, but He is faithful to supply the funds and the workers. Jim continues teaching/preaching from the book of John. Our hymns of worship today were:
*When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
*The Church's One Foundation
*This is My Father's World

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Little Side Post

Here is a snap shot of a few of the veggies that we have been harvesting in in our so very tiny garden. We planted Roma tomatoes, Better Boy tomatoes, zucchini, cayenne peppers, bell peppers, eggplant and a few onions. It has been a banner year for the tomatoes! Just about everyday I blanch, chop and freeze a couple of pint sized freezer bags of tomatoes..they will taste good this winter in soups, stews, and sauces! We will be starting to plan next year's garden before you know it!


I received an email from my sister last night, it was a precious thing. She really enjoyed being in our Sunday service and just wanted to let Jim know that as well. It meant a lot to me that she took the time to not only travel all the way to Hamlin, but the fact that she really rejoiced in the worshipful atmosphere that was so God inspired. And for that, I am most graciously humbled and blessed.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Update on our 1st Service

Praise God!! We had 15 people at our first service today!! God truly blessed all those in attendance. Jim brought the message, and Reagan honored the Lord with her beautiful piano playing. I got to put names with faces today as this was the first time I had met them, but had heard all about them from Jim. He had met with several of them previously and they were all able to come today. My sister, Stephanie was able to be with us as well. Lord willing, we will continue meeting at 2pm on Sundays unless the Lord directs us differently. Today, Jim taught us from the book of John. We will continue a verse by verse study of this book. We worshipped with the following hymns:
* A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
* Holy, Holy, Holy
* Fairest Lord Jesus

Today!! Our first service at Providence Bible Church in Hamlin, WV

At 2pm today, we will have our very first service in Hamlin, WV. We have previously been meeting in our home, but today we will meet in an actual church, Lord willing. I have been praying for 10 people to come to our church service today, may the Lord bless us with those and more! Jim and I will be leaving for the church at 11am this morning, to do any last minute prep on the building, i.e. mopping the bathrooms, setting up sound system. Reagan will join us after the morning service at Faith Missionary Baptist Church, where she is playing the special music. I'll post some pictures of today's service later today or tomorrow. Please be in prayer for Jim, as he brings us the word of God, and pray that hearts will be tender to the message.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Carroll Memorial Church, Home of Providence Bible Church

This is the church that God has entrusted to us, to use for His Glory. It's located on the main drag just outside of the city of Hamlin. It's about 45 minutes from our house, and Jim has really been busy working on it. His friends, Forrest and Margaret, have been faithfully helping as much as they can. Windows have been replaced, and the roof has been repaired. We have been given carpet and chairs by Jim's employer. Speaking of which, Jim's position with the WV Standard Newspapers is nearing the end. The owner is closing many of the papers and selling the rest. So please be in prayer for a new job opportunity for him.

We are praying for 10 people to be in attendance at our first church service on Sunday. If you would like to join us, we are here. After you leave the city of Hamlin, you'll pass the new Lincoln County High on the left, and we'll be on the right, almost directly across the street from Save-a-Lot grocery store.

Long Time No Post

It's been a long while since I last posted. We are currently renovating a church in Hamlin, WV to use as the home for Providence Bible Church. Our first church service will be on Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 2:00pm.